Mage Hook

Mage Hook


Mage Hook Screen Shot 03.JPG
Cover Page - Mage Hook.JPG
Hook Mage is a 2D dungeon crawler where the player, a necromancer, is looking for revenge against another powerful necromancer. The player has to collect the necessary keys to be able to gain access to closed levels in the dungeon, while fighting skeletons and other dark creatures either native to the dungeon or created to protect the dungeon's deepest levels.

Both of Mage Hook's tracks, the theme song and main menu music, are composed from the same conceptual principles: chip tune sounds and simple counter melodies. Chip tune sounds seemed the most appropriate building blocks for Mage Hook's tracks, as they translate to the same era of 16-bit games. The tracks are composed of a melody and a counter-melody; no chords were used to best emulate the 8 & 16-bit style of music. The tracks are simple in their composition, but dynamic in their result. The Main Menu track looks to focus the player's emotion in the lonely journey ahead of them through a dangerous path that most likely will end in their own demise. The Theme Song looks to bring forth aspects of suspense and danger as the player navigates through the dungeon experiencing first hand the creepiness and mystery that the dungeon holds.